RPS welcomes Byron Robinson – USA Olympian and Chairman and CEO of Robinson & Co Banking – as its Chief Development Officer. Tremendously proud to have a superhuman like him on board! Check out more on his bio here.
Author: RPS-admin
RPS Represents WA State on ACE Panel
RPS was delighted to participate and interact with an international audience at the Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE) today to discuss space technology, ecosystem development and economic potential in Washington state. The ACE program is run by the Organization of American States and is the premier economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurial network for leaders from across […]
RPS Recognized by WA Dept. of Commerce
RPS is delighted to be a part of the emerging commercial space ecosystem in WA state, and thanks Kent Valley Economic Development for their support. Northwest Aerospace News, Issue No 31, Feb-Mar 2023
Centurion Rocket Engine Prototype Complete
RPS has completed its first “Centurion” rocket engine prototype for small satellite space launch vehicles. The engine weighs 33 pounds and costs $100,000 to produce. It is designed to operate on clean burning liquid oxygen and liquid methane propellants and produce 3,300 pounds of thrust. The engine features a fuel-rich staged combustion cycle giving it […]
WA State Aerospace Partners
We were honored to host NavalX, NorthWest Tech Bridge and Impact Washington at our facility, share progress on Centurion rocket engine build under NSF Phase I, and discuss potential use of low-cost and reusable boost stages based on Centurion engines for hypersonic boost-glide test vehicles.
Kent City Mayor Dana Ralph
RPS was honored to host Kent Mayor Dana Ralph and Chief Economic Development Officer William Ellis at our Kent facility today, and share on progress in building our Centurion rocket engine for future small satellite launchers. We look forward to collaborating with the City of Kent to assist in fulfilling its vision for aerospace and […]
Hydrogen Afterburner Development Complete
A night-time test at our test facility of high-speed, hot hydrogen flowing in at around 1700 ft/sec (Mach 0.2) and 1500 degrees Fahrenheit to burn with liquid oxygen at extremely low combustion pressures. The test simulates after-burning of hydrogen exhaust from a future nuclear rocket engine – one of (88) hot-fire tests we have successfully […]
NSF SBIR Phase I – Centurion Rocket Engine Development
We are honored to have been awarded an SBIR Phase I by the National Science Foundation to boost the development of the first American high-performance, reliable, high thrust-to-weight and low maintenance liquid rocket engine of 1.5-metric-ton thrust for small 50-180 kg satellite launch vehicle to 700 km Low Earth Orbit, on low-cost liquid oxygen / […]
NASA SBIR Phase II – Hydrogen Afterburner Development
We are honored to have been selected by NASA for Phase II contract in support of NASA’s next generation nuclear rocket propulsion development and future inter-planetary transportation. This work continues the Phase I effort started in 2019. Rocket Propulsion Systems team is excited and looking forward to continued collaboration with NASA over the next two […]
NASA SBIR Phase I – Hydrogen Afterburner Development
Rocket Propulsion Systems is excited to have been awarded a NASA SBIR Phase I contract for the development of “Injector for LOX-GH Stable Combustion at Low Pressure and High Velocity” in “Advanced Propulsion Systems Ground Test Technology” research and development topic area. Primary uses of this technology are: combustion of hot hydrogen-rich gas exhausted from […]