We’ve designed both our engines and space vehicles to be highly scalable so that they can consistently meet the changing needs of our customers’ business models and missions.
RPS rocket engines cost only $150K to purchase and will power hundreds of rockets annually. RPS engines power RPS orbital transfer vehicles, which are adept at dynamic space operations and sustained space maneuverability.

LEO to MEO/GEO transfers
At full thrust of 3,307 lbf and vacuum Isp of 374 sec, our cryogenic Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) can deliver a high total impulse, which can be applied to perform a variety of Rapid Space Maneuvers. The RPS OTV will deliver rapid orbit transfers from Low Earth Orbit (LEO, ~300 km) to other destinations in LEO, Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) or Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)
Lunar Transfers
Exploring the moon is of utmost interest. Water ice was recently discovered at the moon’s south pole. We need a steady inflow of data and images to monitor our moon’s surface. Our Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) will perform Translunar Orbit Injections from a very low earth orbit of 185 km into a lunar orbit via a Ballistic Lunar Transfer (BLT).
Hypersonic missiles, due to their speed, maneuverability, and flight profile, enable rapid defeat of time critical and heavily guarded targets. The RPS OTV is retrofitted as a liquid-fueled hypersonic booster that can accelerate a hypersonic glide body of 15 kg to Mach 4.4 with 165 sec.
Suborbital Launch
Suborbital launches are flights that reach the edge of space (~ 50 – 100 km) but don’t quite reach orbit. They can utilize both vertical or horizontal takeoff and landing models. The RPS OTV can be repurposed as a single-stage, reusable, liquid-fueled, vertical takeoff, suborbital launch vehicle which has a variety of use cases including: commercial and government research, testing, and defense missions.
In-Space Manufacturing
Rocket Propulsion Systems (RPS) is developing a complete In-Space Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) platform service for businesses, small and large, that want to manufacture new, 21st century products in space. This ISAM service will consist of RPS-made Earth-to-Orbit Launch Vehicles (LVs), Orbital Transfer Vehicles (OTVs) and Reentry Vehicles equipped with a manufacturing facility in which high value space-made products will be made. Our OTVs and LVs will be powered by our novel “Centurion” rocket engine developed in house.